Information Communication Technology

 STRAND 1:Technology Operation

Introduction to PowerPoint Presentation

  • PowerPoint is a software program developed by Microsoft that allows users to create visual presentations.

  • Key elements of the PowerPoint interface include a ribbon, quick access toolbar, slide pane, tabs, etc. 

Steps to open and save a PowerPoint presentation

  • Search for the PowerPoint app at the start menu and  Click or double-click on the PowerPoint app icon from the start.

  • Click the template you want to use. Its window will open. If you don't want to use a template, just click the Blank option on the upper-left side of the page and skip to the next part.

  • Click on the Create Presentation button in the window's bottom-right corner.

  • Click File, Save, double-click This PC, select a save location, enter a name for your presentation, and click Save.

 Importance of adding visuals(images and videos) animations and transitions.

  • Visual aids add clarity to your presentation.

  • Visuals simplify the message conveyed during the presentation.

  • Relevant illustrations increase audience attention and memory.

  • Visuals help to break the monotony.

  • Animation can help make a presentation more dynamic.

  • Transitions ensure a smooth and clear presentation.

  • We can add images, video, animation and transitions in a presentation.

  • Visual aids add clarity and simplify the message conveyed during the presentation.

  • Relevant illustrations increase audience attention, and memory and break the monotone.

  • Animation can help make a presentation more interactive and interesting.

  • Transitions ensure a smooth and clear presentation.

Features of a Good Presentation 

  • Keep it simple: A simple and clean design with a limited color palette can help to make the presentation more visually appealing and easier to follow.

  • Consistency: Consistent formatting and design throughout the presentation can help to create a cohesive and professional look.

  • Limit the use of text: The presentation should not have too much text on each slide, and the text should be easy to read with a clear font choice and appropriate font size.

  • Use high-quality images: Images should be high-quality and relevant to the content of the presentation. Avoid using low-resolution or pixelated images.

  • Keep it legible: The font size should be large enough to be easily read from a distance.

  • Align objects: Aligning images and text can help to create a more organized and professional look.

  • Use whitespace: Whitespace, or the empty space around objects, can help to create a more balanced and visually appealing design.

  • Be mindful of animations: Animations can be used to emphasize key points, but they should be used sparingly and not distract from the content of the presentation.

  • Use good contrast: Contrast in color and font size can help to emphasize key points and make the presentation easier to read.

  • A good presentation is one that effectively communicates the message to the audience.

  • Design principles should be followed to create an effective and visually appealing presentation.

  • Some important design principles include using appropriate colour schemes, fonts, and images, as well as organizing content in a logical and easy-to-follow manner.

  • 10-20-30 rule and PechaKucha 20X20 are both guiding principles in creating an effective presentation.

  • The 10-20-30 rule means limiting a presentation to 10 slides, lasting 20 minutes, and using a font size no smaller than 30 points. 

  • PechaKucha 20x20 is a presentation format that involves 20 slides that are shown for 20 seconds each.

  • Maintaining a uniform design in the presentation is one key design principle to be applied to your presentation.

Google Slides

Advantages of using Google Slides. 

  • Google Slides serves as a collaborative tool for the cooperative editing of presentations in real-time

  • Easy collaboration: With Google Slides, multiple users can work on the same presentation at the same time. 

  • Cloud-based: Google Slides is cloud-based, which means that you can access your presentations from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

  • Cost: Google Slides is free to use, whereas Microsoft PowerPoint must be purchased in the Microsoft Office suite.

  • Automatic saving: Google Slides automatically saves your presentations as you work on them, which means that you don't have to worry about losing your work if your computer crashes or if you forget to save your changes.

Comparing MS PowerPoint and Google Slide


The collaboration feature in Google Slides allows a group to work on one presentation.

Comparing MS PowerPoint and Google Slides helps to decide on which presentation tool to use to create a presentation as per our needs.

The similarities between Google Slides and PowerPoint presentations include:

  • Both offer features for creating presentations.

  • Both tools offer options for delivering presentations.

  • Both tools provide a range of templates and themes to choose from.

  • Both tools allow users to import and export presentations in various file formats.

The differences between Google Slides and PowerPoint presentations are given below:

PowerPoint Presentation

Google Slides

Paid Software


Available only on devices where the software has been installed. 

Accessible from any device with an internet connection.

Limited collaboration features, require saving and sharing files manually.

Real-time collaboration with multiple users editing the same presentation simultaneously.

Storage is limited to the device's hard drive.

Cloud-based storage allows for unlimited storage capacity.

A limited number of built-in templates.

A wide variety of templates, themes, and add-ons are available for free.

Integrates well with other Microsoft Office programs.

Seamless integration with Google Drive, as well as other Google Workspace apps.

It can be used without an internet connection once installed.

Requires an internet connection to access and edit presentations.

Contains advanced features such as 3D modelling and animation.

Offers basic but essential features for creating and editing presentations

 Adding Multimedia (MS PowerPoint)

  • Multimedia refers to the integration of various media types such as text, graphics, audio, video, and animation to create interactive and engaging content.

  • Benefits of using multimedia in presentations include better communication, improved learning and retention, increased engagement, and enhanced aesthetics.

  • To insert images in PowerPoint, use the "Insert" tab and select "Pictures" to choose from your computer or online sources. Use formatting options such as removing the background, applying picture styles, and cropping the image.

  • To insert videos in PowerPoint, use the "Insert" tab and select "Video" to choose from your computer or online sources. Use formatting options such as trimming the video, applying fade in/out effects, and adjusting start/play options.

  • To insert audio in PowerPoint, use the "Insert" tab and select "Audio" to choose from your computer or record audio. Use formatting options such as trimming the audio, applying fade in/out effects, and adjusting start/play options. 

Sample Question

  1. State at least two benefits of using Multimedia in Presentation. - To engage the audience and make the presentation more interesting. To help the audience remember and understand the information presented.

  2. When do we need to crop images? - We need to crop images when we want to remove unwanted or unnecessary parts of the image or to focus on a specific part of the image.

  3. What are the options available in the video start option? - Three options are available: In Click Sequence, Automatically, and When Clicked On.

Adding Hyperlinks (MS PowerPoint)

  • Hyperlink: Hyperlinks in PowerPoint presentations allow you to create interactive content that can link to other slides within the presentation, external websites, email addresses, files, or other documents.

  • The advantages of using hyperlinks in a presentation include easy navigation, access to external resources, interactive content, flexibility, and improved organisation.

  • In PowerPoint, you can hyperlink images, text, shapes, and other objects.

  • You can also use action buttons to create hyperlinks.

  • Creating interactive quizzes using hyperlinks in PowerPoint can be a fun and engaging way to learn.

  • Advantages of Hyperlink:

  • Easy navigation

  • Access to external resources

  • Interactive content

  • Flexibility

  • Improved organization

Google Slides

  • Google Slides is a cloud-based presentation software that allows users to create, edit, and share presentations online.

  • Google Slides is an alternative to MS PowerPoint that has several advantages, such as easy collaboration, being cloud-based, being free to use, and having automatic saving.

  • Google Drive can be used for easy file management.

  • With Google Slides, students can easily work together with others on the same presentation, making it a great tool for group projects and teamwork.

Advantages of Using google Slides

  • Easy collaboration: With Google Slides, multiple users can work on the same presentation at the same time. 

  • Cloud-based: Google Slides is cloud-based, which means that you can access your presentations from anywhere, as long as you have an internet connection.

  • Cost: Google Slides is free to use, whereas Microsoft PowerPoint must be purchased in the Microsoft Office suite.

  • Automatic saving: Google Slides automatically saves your presentations as you work on them, which means that you don't have to worry about losing your work if your computer crashes or if you forget to save your changes.

Sample Question

  1. What are some advantages of using Google Slide over MS PowerPoint to design a presentation? - Easy collaboration, cloud-based, cost, and automatic saving.

  2. What are some disadvantages of using Google Slide over MS PowerPoint? - Internet connection required, limited offline functionality,  and fewer advanced features. 

Printing and Converting a Presentation File

  • Printing a presentation allows you to have a hard copy of your slides for reference or presentation purposes.

  • When printing, consider adjusting the page orientation, layout, and quality to ensure that your presentation is printed accurately and with high quality.

  • Converting a presentation into different file formats such as video, image, PowerPoint show, or PDF allows you to share your presentation with others who may not have the same software as you.

  • To convert a presentation, you may need to make adjustments to the layout, design, and format of your slides to ensure that they are optimized for the desired file format.

  • Different versions of Microsoft Office may have slightly different steps or options when it comes to printing or converting a presentation file.

Video Making

Video making, also known as video production, is the process of creating a video from start to finish.

Uses of videos

  1. Entertainment, like movies and TV shows.

  2. Marketing and advertising, to promote products and services.

  3. Education and training, to teach new things.

  4. News and journalism, to share important stories.

  5. Personal communication, like video calls.

  6. Sports, to capture and share live events.

  7. Medical and scientific research, to document.

Tools required for video making

  • Camera and Microphone

  • Lighting devices

  • Computer and Video Editing Software

  • Speakers

Video-Making Process

1. Pre-production:

  • The first step in making a video is to plan out the content, script, and visual elements. This includes identifying the target audience, determining the message you want to convey, and creating a storyboard.

2. Production

  • Once the planning stage is complete, the next step is to record the video. This involves selecting the appropriate equipment, such as a camera, microphone, and lighting. It's important to consider factors such as the location, sound quality, and visual composition when recording the video.

3. Post-production:

  • After the video is recorded, it needs to be edited to refine the content and add visual effects, sound effects, and music. Video editing software such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, CapCut or iMovie can be used to edit the video.

  • Once the video is edited, it can be shared across various platforms, such as YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. It's important to optimize the video for each platform, including adding keywords, tags, and descriptions.

  • Videos are a fun way to share stories and ideas. Popular video platforms include YouTube and TikTok.

  • Video-making has three stages: pre-production, production, and post-production.

  • Pre-production involves planning and preparing. Production involves filming the video. Post-production involves editing and enhancing the video.

  • Sharing the finished video can help it reach a wider audience.

  • Video-making requires a camera or smartphone with a camera to record footage. Basic video-editing software is needed to enhance the video and add effects or music.

  • Good planning is important to ensure that the video has a clear message or story.

  • Recording the video involves capturing footage using a camera or smartphone.

  • Editing the video involves piecing together the footage, adding effects, and adjusting the sound.

  • Sharing the video on social media platforms or websites can help it reach a larger audience.

  • Video-making can be used for different purposes such as entertainment, education, or information.

Sample Questions

  1. What do you understand by video making? - It is the process of creating a video.

  2. What are the tools required for making a video? - Camera/Mobile, Computer/Laptop, Video Editing Software and Speakers.

  3. What are the three stages of the video-making process? - Pre-production, production, and post-production

Recording and Transferring Videos

There are several reasons why we may need to transfer files from one device to another. Here are some common reasons:

  1. Backing up of Data

  2. Sharing

  3. Accessing

  4. Storage

Transferring of Files

Transferring files from a mobile device to a computer and vice versa can be done in several ways. Here are some common methods:

  1. through USB Cable

  2. through Bluetooth

  3. through SHAREit App

  4. through email

  5. through social media platforms

  • Video recording can be done using various devices such as digital cameras, mobile phones, and webcams.

  • When recording videos, it is important to consider factors such as lighting, sound quality, and stability of the camera or device.

  • Videos can be transferred using different methods such as USB cables, cloud storage, or file transfer applications.

  • Xbox Game Bar is an inbuilt application in Windows 10 and later versions that can be used for screen recording.

Editing and Sharing CapCut Videos

Post-Production Phase of Video Making Process

What is Video Editing?

Video editing is the process of making changes to a video by adding or removing different parts of it. 

This includes things like adding music or sound effects to the video to make it more interesting. 

Video editing is done using special software and is an important part of making videos for TV, movies, or online platforms. 

Why do we edit videos?

  1. To enhance the visual appeal:

Video editing allows us to improve the quality of the footage, add effects, transitions, and color grading, making the final product more visually appealing.

2. To tell a story: 

Combining different shots and adding narration or music, video editing helps us tell a story or convey a message.

3. To remove unwanted content: 

Video editing enables us to remove unwanted footage or audio, such as bloopers, pauses, and mistakes, making the final product more concise.

4. To improve pacing and timing: 

We can adjust the pacing and timing of the video, ensuring that it flows smoothly and holds the viewer's attention.

5. To add special effects: 

With video editing software, we can add special effects like animations, 3D models, and visual effects to make the video more engaging and entertaining.

The goal of video editing is to make the video look and sound better by improving the quality of the original footage.

Video editing software

We need to have video editing software installed on our computer for editing a video.

There are many different software options available, ranging from free programs to professional-grade software.

Video editing apps (Computer)


  • Camtasia Studio

  • Adobe Premiere Pro

  • CapCut

Video editing apps (Phone)

  • CapCut

  • InShot

  • VivaVideo

  • KineMaster

  • Video editing is the last phase of the video-making process, also known as post-production.

  • CapCut is a video editing software that can be used on both computers and smartphones.

  • Video resolution refers to the number of pixels in a video image, while video format affects its quality, size, and compatibility.

  • When sharing videos, it is important to consider the platforms used for sharing and key points to be considered, such as the intended audience, the content of the video, and the message being conveyed.

  • Some tips for making a professional-looking video are to plan ahead and create a storyboard or outline, use a stable camera and ensure good lighting, pay attention to clear audio and keep your content concise, consider composition and framing in your shots, and choose suitable music.

  • Edit your video carefully with appropriate transitions and effects.

  • Video making allows you to experiment with different styles and techniques to produce unique and compelling videos.

  • Video making enhances the learning experience by making complex concepts accessible through tutorials, presentations, and instructional content.

  • Video-making skills are valuable in various professional fields, such as marketing and content creation, opening up career opportunities.

  • Video-making empowers you to share your experiences, interests, and passions in a unique and engaging way.

Sample Question

  1. How many stages are there in the video-making process? - Three stages namely pre-production, production, and post-production.

  2. Why is it essential to acquire video editing skills? - Helps you express your ideas, improve creative thinking skills, and help you make a living out of it.

  3. What are some tips for making a good video?- use plenty of light, clean background, pay attention to your audio, avoid shaky footage, etc.

  4. What is video editing?

  5. Why do we edit a video? Mention three reasons.

  6. Mention some video editing software that can be either used on computers or smartphones.

  7. What are some features/tools we use in CapCut video editing software? Mention at least four tools available in it.

  8. What are some of the platforms used for sharing videos online?

STRAND 2: Communication and Collaborations.

Online Government Services

  • G2C services refer to government services provided to citizens for their convenience and welfare.

  • Benefits of G2C services include improved efficiency and productivity, as they streamline government processes, reduce paperwork, and save time and effort for citizens.

  • To access G2C web portal services, individuals must possess the Bhutan NDI (National Digital Identity) mobile application.

Benefits of Citizen Service Portal Initiatives:

  • G2C initiatives have made it easier for citizens to access government services, reducing the need for physical visits to government offices.

  • G2C initiatives have improved the efficiency and effectiveness of public service delivery, reducing the time and cost required to obtain services.

  • G2C initiatives have increased citizen engagement and participation in government decision-making, enhancing transparency and accountability.

Challenges and Future Directions:

  • Despite the successes of G2C initiatives in Bhutan, there are still challenges to be addressed, such as improving the quality of e-services and increasing digital literacy among citizens.

  • The government is committed to further enhancing G2C initiatives and has plans to expand the range of e-services available to citizens.

  • Future directions include the development of a national digital identity system and the integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning into public service delivery.

  • What is G2C? - eCitizen portal for the Government of Bhutan, which provides citizens with access to various government services.

  • What are the services available in G2C? - Business, construction, education, passport, etc

  • How to avail G2C services?

    • Register using the CID number if you are signing up for the first time.

    • Sign in using the CID number if you already have an account.

    • Go to the service you want to avail yourself.

  • G2C services refer to the online services provided by the Government of Bhutan to citizens, allowing them to access government information, resources, and services electronically.

  • Some of the services available on the G2C website include business, construction, education, and passport services.

  • Citizens in Bhutan can register and sign in using their CID number to avail of G2C services.

  • Challenges facing G2C services in Bhutan include poor internet connectivity in some parts of the country, frequent website crashes, and low awareness of the service among citizens.

  • The government of Bhutan is committed to enhancing G2C initiatives and plans to expand the range of e-services available to citizens.

Sample Questions:

 What does G2C stand for?

a. Government-to-Company

b. Government-to-Citizen

c. Government-to-Community

d. Government-to-Customer

2. How are citizens in Bhutan required to authenticate their identity when accessing G2C services?

a. Using a fingerprint scan

b. Providing a mobile number

c. Submitting a copy of their passport

d. Providing their national identification number

3. Which of the following is a potential challenge of G2C services?

a. Limited access to technology and internet connectivity for some citizens

b. Reduced privacy and security concerns for citizens' personal information

c. Increased administrative burden for government agencies

d. Inability to integrate with existing government systems and processes

4. G2C services refer to online services the government provides to citizens, allowing them to access government information, resources, and services electronically.

a. True

b. False

5. G2C services are only accessible to citizens with advanced technical skills and access to the internet.

a. True

b. False


  • Blog: A website where individuals or groups regularly post articles on various topics in a conversational style.

  • Blogger: A person who creates and maintains a blog.

  • Blogging: The process of creating, writing, and publishing content on a blog, which can be a hobby, a professional pursuit, or a means of generating income.

Bhutanese bloggers









Foreign bloggers

  1. Gary Vaynerchuk - Blogs on digital marketing and social media.

  2. - Blogs on technology and gadgets.

  3. Show Me the Yummy - Blogs on food recipes.

  4. A Beautiful Mess - Blogs on lifestyle such as DIY projects, fashion, and home decor.

Advantages of blogging

  1. Improve writing skills

  2. Build a community of like-minded individuals

  3. Opportunities for monetization

  4. Develop digital literacy skills through the use of digital tools

  5. Build a positive digital footprint

  6. Build yourself a little fame

Blogging platforms 

Remember: Before you set up a blog, seek clarity of goals, clarity of audience, and then look around at other bloggers in your interest.

Pages on Blogger

Blogger Interface

  1. View blog

  2. Theme

  3. Settings

  4. Pages

  5. Layout

  6. Posts

Blogger Interface

  1. View blog

    • Allows you to view the front-end of your blog.

  2. Theme

    • Themes control the layout, colors, fonts, and other visual elements of your blog, allowing you to customize the look and feel of your blog.

  3. Settings

    • Allows you to configure various settings for your blog, such as title, description, and favicon setting.

  1. Pages

    • Pages are static web pages that contain information about your blog.

  1. Layout

    • The layout feature allows you to arrange the various elements of your blog, such as the header, footer, sidebar, and main content area.

  1. Posts

    • Posts are articles that you write for your blog. 

    • Posts can include different things like words, pictures, videos, and other things to make them more interesting.


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